Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The science behind why I am quitting sugar

I am a Phd student, and I love research. So I really felt this blog wouldn't be complete without a "sciency" bit.

Page 17 of Sarah's book provides a really good overview of the negative consequences of too much sugar.
  1. It makes us eat more! Every molecule we eat sends messages to our brain saying "okay I have had enough of X now, lets stop". Every molecule except for FRUCTOSE. That's because in the olden days (I am talking like hunter gatherer times) sugar was valuable and rare, and therefore the "enough sugar" switch never evolved.
  2. Fructose converts directly to fat. Fructose relies heavily on the liver to process it. Therefore it isn't produced directly to energy (like glucose is) so it is more likely to be stored as fat. BLURGH
  3. Fructose can make us ill. It has been found to:
    1. Inhibit immune function
    2. upset mineral balance
    3. mess up fertility
    4. speed up aging
    5. cause an acidic digestive tract
So basically, fructose is bad. And that is what I am TECHNICALLY quitting. Not glucose - this is used by nearly every cell in the body and is therefore used as energy, and is not a threat to our bodies.

Read this article here for more sciency info!

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